Thursday, July 4, 2013

Page 122

--donation bonus (day #5, post 4/5)--
“Please recite your task back to me.”

“In two days, I will begin observing Prince Nathaniel’s bedchamber. When someone arrives to plant evidence, I will remove it and follow the perpetrator, where I will attempt to learn the identity of the person responsible.”

“It will likely be one or more of my brothers. I merely need to know which.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Now be on your way. If anyone asks what happened during our meeting, tell them that you sat with me in silence, just like everyone else.”

“As you command.” Lynnette stood and returned her sword to its place on her belt.

“And please send in the next person on your way out.”

Lynnette nodded and exited the drawing room.

Helen eyed the reaper. ‘I would like you to accompany her when the time arrives.

You don’t trust her to follow your orders?

This is not just about finding my enemies,’ the Queen said. ‘I need new allies. I hope you will be able to tell me if she is as trustworthy as I think she is.

Alright. I suppose I don’t have anything better to do.

The next member of the Queen’s Guard entered, and Helen bade him sit, allowing the quiet to return in force.

Mehlsanz floated around the new guest, eyeing him and soon growing bored. ‘Do you really have no idea who convinced Nathaniel to kill you?’ she asked.

I fear I do not know my family as well as I should. I have often wondered what my father was thinking when he chose me as his successor. Surely, he must have known the ire it would earn me.

He must’ve really believed you were the best person for the job.


  1. “And lease send in the next person on your way out.”
    I believe you mean please. Other than that, excellent story, I am becoming mighty intrigued.

  2. hope you will be tell me if she

  3. The scheming is real. The Scheme is strong with this one

  4. What a caring and kind family she has *snorts* Am I sure glad I'm not a member of any royal family.

  5. I honestly just noticed this upon rereading this page: "and Helen bade him sit" --> Helen bade him 'to' sit? I'm just gonna start again from Mud and War and read on from there one of these days. First finishing Worm though, then I can get back to following other stories :p

  6. What's worm about???

  7. Should be "and Helen bade him 'to' sit"

  8. There's a "Lynette" here with one n.

  9. No, "bade him sit" is correct.

  10. Seriously? It sounds so odd O.O It doesn't seem grammatrically impossible, but I've never heard it used that way before. Well, I've learned something :) Thanks!

  11. Super powered people in a dark, modern setting. Main Character is a 15 girl, bullied in school, with power to control bugs. She becomes a villain for the first 19/30 arcs, then joins the heroes. It is over 1.5 million words long.

  12. Fixed now, thank you. Hell of a catch, by the way.

    Also, DAMMIT.
